Morpho is a trustless and efficient lending primitive with permissionless borrow markets creation featuring fully immutable contracts.
Morpho is a trustless lending primitive with permissionless market creation and permissionless risk management with Morpho Vaults (permissionless risk curation built on top of Morpho). It enables the deployment of isolated lending markets that feature one collateral asset, one loan assets, a liquidation loan-to-value (LLTV), an oracle, and an interest rate manager (IRM). Each parameter is selected at market creation and persists in perpetuity. In other words, contracts on Morpho Blue are immutable. Once a market is created, users can either lend/borrow assets to/from it with certainty that it will persist as long as Ethereum exists and the parameters of the market will never change.
Morpho currently does not take any fees, but there is a fee switch built into the contract that can be activated (per market) via governance. Once activated, revenue from fees will accrue directly to the Morpho DAO.
As a lender, you earn by depositing assets into Morpho's Vaults, which then allocate your funds across select lending pairs to earn yield. Your earnings are enhanced through optimized asset allocation and risk management by third-party risk curators. Risk curators can decide on allocation but cannot withdraw your funds, only rebalance them within other Morpho lending pairs.