Aura is a protocol built on top of Balancer (similar to Curve-Convex). It serves to maximize yield for BAL stakers and liquidity providers on Balancer by pooling investments across users.
Aura is a protocol built on top of Balancer to incentivize liquidity providers and BAL stakers through socialized aggregration of BAL and its native AURA token. Aura provides BAL holders with an easy onboarding process to receive veBAL rewards through its tokenized wrapper auraBAL. This token can be staked to receive existing rewards and a share of any fees earned by Aura. For LPs, Aura simplifies the process of depositing into the Balancer gauge system while still earning high rewards through veBAL boosting. Balancer Pool Tokens (BPTs) are the LP tokens that users receive when depositing assets into a liquidity pool on Balancer, which can then be staked in the gauge system to earn BAL rewards. Depositors may receive up to a 2.5x boost based on their veBAL balance. Aura offers users the ability to continue receiving trading fees but at a higher yield due to the protocol owned veBAL.
Aura charges a total fee of 25% on all BAL revenue generated by Balancer LPs on their platform. Of this amount, 20.5% goes to auraBAL stakers (paid in BAL), 4% goes to AURA lockers (paid in auraBAL), 0.5% goes to the harvest caller (paid in BAL). Fees are only token from BAL revenue from LP staking, and there is a fee ceiling of 25%. No fees are taken from tokens from the auraBAL pool or veBAL admin fees.
You can deposit BAL in exchange for auraBAL, which can then be staked to receive 20.5% of all BAL revenue generated by LPs (paid out as BAL) on the Aura platform. AURA lockers also receive 4% of fees (paid out as auraBAL).