BTC 2x is a tokenized position that uses leverage to generate 2x daily returns on BTC
BTC2X is a low-cap asset with questionable collateral reserves. This asset is exposed to the underlying risks of Index Coop and Compound, which are protocols both rated as Average.
BTC2X has a fixed supply. BTC2X FLI automatically rebalances its internal composition to achieve 2X daily returns of BTC. The token is always redeemable for its components from the Index Coop protocol. BTC2X magnifies the expected returns on both the upside and downside as the gains and losses are rebalanced daily towards the target leverage ratio. This leads to a degree of volatility drift over time, which means the leveraged asset can deviate from the expected multiple returns of the underlying asset.
BTC2X is highly correlated to the overall market. BTC2X magnifies the expected returns on both the upside and downside as the gains and losses are rebalanced daily towards the target leverage ratio. This leads to a degree of volatility drift over time, which means the leveraged asset can deviate from the expected multiple returns of the underlying asset.