Solana blockchain icon

Kuma SOL staking

This pool allows you to stake your SOL with Proof-of-Stake validators who process blockchain transactions. Your yield is generated from newly minted SOL granted to validators and blockchain transaction fees. kumaSOL is the liquid staking token (LST) of Kuma Validator issued by Sanctum. kumaSOL stakers benefit from a competitive APY, 0% commission, and commission from non-LST stakers.

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30d APY
Last 90d
Editor's Take
Investment Rationale

This opportunity works well for investors who want long exposure to SOL, while earning yield from an independent and 0-fee validator.

Risk Perspective

Risks include Sanctum's smart contract risks and the validator (Kuma) keeping high uptime for its services. Sanctum powers the technology to issue a liquid token and the contract is managed by a 6/11 multi-sig. Kuma needs to keep a high uptime to consistently generate yield.

Pool Performance

Yield comes from new SOL coins earned by validators for producing new blocks, transaction fees paid by all Solana users, and from a special boost where the Solana foundation is a depositor in this pool but foregoes all yield to other depositors.

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30d APY
last 30d
APY 30d
Last 30d
Risk of losing your entire investment due to systemic issues in the underlying chain, protocols, or assets
Yield Source
Geometric spirals as the background of the yield source card header
Percentage icon symbol
Your yield is generated from staking rewards for participating in the Solana proof of stake mechanism to validate blockchain transactions
Medal award icon symbol
This pool has not been receiving any protocol incentives to encourage user deposits
Investment Strategy
Asset icon 0
This pool serves as a yield-generating account for you to earn yield on your SOL, subject to market conditions
Risk Details
Pool Fundamentals

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