This pool facilitates trades between WBTC and ETH. Your yield is generated from swap fees paid by traders when an exchange happens. This pool features KyberSwap Elastic, a tick-based AMM with concentrated liquidity similar to Uniswap V3. Elastic pools also automatically reinvest fee earnings by adding them back to the liquidity pool.
Risk of losing your entire investment due to systemic issues in the underlying chain, protocols, or assets
Yield Source
Your yield consists of trading fees from the buying and selling of WBTC and ETH on the Polygon blockchain
This pool has been receiving protocol incentives to encourage more user deposits
Investment Strategy
This pool pairs your BTC and ETH together to earn yield within a specific price range. Your position will be 100% BTC at the bottom or 100% ETH at the top of the price range
Risk Details
Pool Fundamentals
Get more from your crypto - earn 15% yield or more